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Some of the workshops have secure Paypal links. If not, you can reserve your space by making a deposit of half the total tuition. Feel free to call us at 970-247-2415 to make arrangements. We accept most major credit cards and checks. We can send a Paypal invoice to you. We cannot hold your space until we have a deposit. The balance is due 60 days prior to the workshop.
Because enrollment is limited, we encourage you to apply soon. Slots are filled on a first come, first served basis. Six students are required to make the class. Anyone under the age of 18, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No pets please.
Durango, Colorado is serviced by United and American. Together, they offer non-stop flights from Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston and Chicago. You need to check, however, because some of the routes vary by season. You’ll find plenty of rental car options at the airport.
Denver to Durango – 6.25 hours, 338 miles
Phoenix to Durango – 8 hours, 460 miles
Albuquerque to Durango – 3.5 hours, 220 miles
Salt Lake to Durango – 7 hours, 400 miles
Los Angeles to Durango – 14.5 hours, 780 miles
We ask for all notifications to cancel, be submitted in writing. Email is ok. If you do have to cancel, our refund cut off times are listed below. 90 days or more prior to the start of the workshop, deposits are refunded less a $150.00 administrative fee. 89-45 days prior to start, the full deposit is retained, unless we can fill your space. *No refund of any fees will be made for withdrawal after the workshop begins. * In the event that the workshop has to be canceled, you will be notified immediately, and all tuition fees paid will be refunded. We cannot be responsible for non-refundable airline tickets unused because of a course cancellation. Our limit of liability is to return all monies paid to Colorado Photo Workshops.
It is the nature of the business that occasionally a listed instructor is unable to participate because of a change in his or her professional schedule. If we are forced to replace an instructor, we will do so with someone of equal or similar credentials. When time permits, we will inform all those registered.
Colorado Photo Workshops is not responsible for necessary changes in the workshop due to changes in weather or other acts of God. Also any loss or damage to equipment or injuries. In 30 years we have never had such an incident other than rain happen.
Our workshops are not considered strenuous, however participants should be in good physical shape and able to walk or climb and be able to carry their own equipment. Many sites are at 6500 ft. or above. If you have, or have had in the past, any medical problems or limited physical conditions, please contact your physician before reserving a space. If you have concerns about your ability to participate on a particular workshop, please call us before reserving a space.
In many cases, we will provide some meals, snacks and lots of water. Specific information is posted with each workshop. The only one that includes room, meals and travel on the ranch, is the August Western Workshop at the A Bar A Ranch in Wyoming. Also, posted with each workshop is what will be provided in terms of travel vehicle to go to the various locations. Each student is responsible for their own travel to the start location.
We welcome non photographer spouses and companions. Though they will not accompany us for the photography excursions, we’ll make sure you spend nights, breakfast and dinner together. Contact us for rates.
Whether you’re joining us in Durango or some far flung corner of the globe, we recommend you consider travel insurance. There are good plans that will protect you if you have to cancel your trip or lose your luggage, More complete plans will cover, medical, dental and even medical evacuation. We are registered with World Nomads.
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Colorado Photo Workshops | 970.247.2415 | Durango, Colorado | info@maronaphoto.com
Copyright © Christopher Marona 2019 | All Rights Reserved